Indian students participate in 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting dedicated to Physiology/Medicine

A total of 17 select students from different research and academic institutions across India are interacting with Nobel Laureates on various topics related to medicine and physiology at the 72nd Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting.

The annual Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting is an international forum for the exchange of ideas through many nations, cultures, and disciplines. It provides a platform for the exchange of ideas between Nobel Laureates and young scientists solely inclined to educate, inspire and connect young scientists of the world.

This year, 600 Young Scientists from 89 countries are engaged in discussions with 38 Nobel Laureates during June 25 to 30. Their discussions span various topics of medicine and physiology such as genetics, neurobiology, vaccine, chemistry in life, drug, nutritional science, cell biology, structural biology, cancer, climate change, and global health, emerging technology and next-generation science, Artificial Intelligence and Data Science on health care system and so on.  

The 17 students from research and academic institutions across India who were supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), Government of India have not only been exposed to the opportunity to listen to the lectures delivered by the Nobel Laureates but have also participated in the open discussions and presentations. They are also interacting with the Nobel Laureates on how to make their research more impactful.

Indian Students at the Lindau NobelIndian Students at the Lindau Nobel

Indian Students at the Lindau Nobel Laureate meeting before the onset of the meeting.