Science and Technology Training Cell

The department in close consultation with the Department of Personnel and Training and Planning Commission conducts training programmes for scientists and technologists working in Govt. sector.

National Programme for Training of Scientists & Technologists working in Govt. Sector

  1. Training Calender[PDF]118.37 KB
  2. Nomination Format[PDF]62.95 KB

Training Programmes to be held during the year 2016-17 under the "DISHA Schene for Training of Women Scientists working in Government Sector[PDF]954.44 KB

Invitation of Proposals from the institutes for conducting training programme under the scheme "National Programme for Training of Scientists & Technologists in the Govt. Sector"

Letter - Uploading of UC in PFMS website of DST - Regarding[PDF]1013.01 KB

User Manual for Agencies - Utilization Certificate Module[PDF]3.26 MB