JNCASR Prof receives grant to organise the prestigious EMBO Meeting on the latest trends in autism research

Dr James Chelliah, Assistant Professor at Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research (JNCASR), an autonomous institute of the Department of Science & Technology, is one of the recipients of the grant to organise European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) courses and workshop programme for the year 2021.

EMBO courses and workshop programme is a prestigious award given to 2-3 people in India every year. This programme aims to cover different and evolving aspects of life science-related subject areas and bring scientists, students, post-docs, and young investigators together to present and discuss their latest findings.

Dr James and co-organisers – Dr Sourav Banerjee, Associate Professor, National Brain Research Centre, Prof Ted Abel, Director, Iowa Neuroscience Institute, and Prof David Wiley, Professor, University of Edinburgh, have been awarded Euro 37,100 to organise a meeting on ‘Molecular and physiological basis of behavioural or cognitive defects in Neurodevelopmental disorders’ from 19-22 April 2021 at JNCASR.

This conference will bring together top autism researchers from around the world to discuss the latest technology in neuroscience, recent advancements in autism research, biomarkers, and novel therapeutics for Autism spectrum disorder. Prof. Ted Abel (Professor & Director, Iowa Neuroscience Institute, USA), Prof. Richard Huganir (Bloomberg Distinguished Professor Of Neuroscience And Psychological And Brain Sciences Director, Department Of Neuroscience, John Hopkins University, USA), Prof. Nave Klaus-Armin (Professor, Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine), Prof Nils Brose (Professor, Max Planck Institute for Experimental Medicine), Prof Zoltan Molnar (Professor, University of Oxford, UK), Prof. Upinder Bhalla (Prof & Dean, NCBS, India), Prof. Kimberly Huber (Professor, UT Southwestern, USA), Prof. Walter Kauffman (Professor, Emory University, USA), Prof. Susan Ackerman (Professor, UCSD, USA), and Prof Sumantra Chatterjee (Prof, NCBS, India) will be the notable speakers at the conference.