Need for interventions in National IPR policy highlighted at DST-CPR meeting

The need for major interventions in some of the National level policies and the role of DST-Centre for Policy Research (DST-CPRs) was discussed at a review meeting of the DST-Centre for Policy Research, Panjab University, Chandigarh.

“Interventions in policy formulation at the National level is a major objective of CPRs. So each CPR should identify their own themes, one of the significant ones being the National IPR policy. They should contribute towards policy formation at the national level,” Dr Akhilesh Gupta, Senior Adviser, DST, pointed out.

The DST-CPR, Panjab University, funded by the Department of Science and Technology (DST), which is working on interventions in National IPR policy, promoting industry-academia R&D ecosystem in India and mapping STI at the regional and local level, was evaluated for its progress during the meeting at Technology Bhawan, New Delhi on 8 June 2022.

It was suggested that DST-CPR, Panjab University should make a five-year plan to enhance the activities of the centre and position itself as a major Policy Research Centre at the National level as well as a coordinating point for the State and regional level.  

Prof. Kashmir Singh, Coordinator, DST-Centre for Policy Research Panjab University, Chandigarh, highlighted how the Centre is working on the development of a new country-specific model for the promotion of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for R&D; identifying policy gaps for stimulation of private sector investment in R&D and suggesting changes in policy environment.

They are also adopting evidence-based approaches for identifying and promoting areas for generation of intellectual properties.

The centre has also developed collaborations with various international agencies, government bodies, local industries, regional councils as well as academia’s and R&D institutes.

The DST officials and policy fellows gave several suggestions for strengthening the CPR and making it more impactful.