Portable smart healthcare solutions using new age technologies can be useful in resource scarce and in remote areas

A bunch of portable smart technologies have been developed for common pathological tests which can bring about user-friendly affordable integrated health screening and monitoring for the masses through virtual visits to doctors and chatbot support, low-cost, integrated monitoring as well as AI analysis & collaboration tools.

The idea was triggered by the need for tele-diagnosis during COVID times and the necessity of access to healthcare in resource scarce and remote areas. Many of the portable products available in the market are not FDA-approved and do not have clinical accuracy as required for clinical decision support systems.


In order to cater to this gap, iHub Drishti Foundation at IIT Jodhpur supported by the Department of Science and Technology (DST) under National Mission on Interdisciplinary Cyber Physical Systems (NM-ICPS), has developed several technologies under Pathology @ Home. These include tele-medicine application for video conferencing and scheduling, multi-lingual chatbot for patients, asynchronous emails and notifications, 3D analysis and collaboration tools, small and low cost, non-invasive, integrated diagnostic devices that are connected to mobile app, augmented reality tools that can help interactive visualization of 3D CT scans as well as multilevel screening. The products translate the lab technology into small portable solutions that do not require training for their usage and at the same time, provide clinical readings at affordable pricing.

The technologies has been deployed in the field (TRL 7-8) and now few features are being added based on user feedback. The telemedicine solution which supports Hindi, Bangla, and English has been deployed at IIT Jodhpur PHC, and at a village in Sundarban, West Bengal. More than 500 patients have visited the portal and consulted with doctors. More than 40 doctors are registered on the portal which includes experts with various specialties.