Monitoring & Evalution

The schemes and programmes under SEED Division are being monitored regularly through various monitoring mechanism devised over a period to strengthen the schemes and programmes. These mechanisms are Third Party Evaluation, On-the spot assessment of implemented projects, Review of schemes/programmes by experts, Review of supported projects through Group Monitoring Workshops, Evaluation of outcomes of individual projects, Review by converging Ministries such as Ministry of Tribal Affairs (for TSP Scheme) and by Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (for SCSP Scheme) etc.

Considerable flexibility is built into the operation of the schemes for funding as well as for modifying or dropping approved objectives of the projects considering the ground realities thus inculcating confidence amongst the implementing field agencies to achieve the desired results.

Impact assessment is judged based on the basis of people’s acceptability of the proposed intervention, techno-economic viability, ecological sustainability, and replicability potential considering social dimensions. Acceptance of such interventions for wider replication in the form of appropriate technology packages/models in rural sectors by line function departments. Tentative Monitoring & Evaluation indicators of SUNIL (Table 1), SCSP & TSP  (Table 2) and S&T for Women (Table 3) programmes represent output and output indicators.

Table 1: Tentative Monitoring & Evaluation indicators of SUNIL programme

Technology delivery & enterprise creation model for improving efficiency of livelihood system

Output’s Indicators

Outcome’s Indicators

Impact’s Indicators

  • No. of technologies/ techniques/ tools/ processes/ innovative products/ packages/ devices modulated
  • No. of technologies/ techniques/ tools/ processes deployed & demonstrated
  • No. of technologies/ techniques/ tools field tested
  • No. of Common Facility Centres/ Permanent Structures/ Technology Labs created under the project
  • No. of target community groups/ researchers using the facilities / products/ technologies created under the project
  • No. of technologies/ products/ packages transferred/commercialized
  • No. of technologies/ products/ packages/ social enterprise models ready to transfer
  • No. of local innovations converted into social enterprises/ start-ups created (technology-wise)
  • No. of market linkages developed
  • No. of people (Male/ Female) employed through project interventions
  • No. of Social Entrepreneurs/ Start-ups/ FPOs/ SHGs formed/ nurtured under project
  • No. of sustainable livelihood opportunities created & utilized by community
  • Increased access to S&T services & facilitative units/ infrastructure.
  • Reduction in drudgery, cost and hesitation over use of technology/ tool/ process/ products
  • Increase in household income
  • Average productivity gain per user
  • Increase in access to markets and financial institutions
  • Improved access to location specific   technologies/ techniques/ tools/ processes/ innovative products/ packages/ devices
  • Increased interest of academic and R&D institutions in societal research and testing at field level.
  • Improvement in access to indigenously developed/ modified technologies, socially relevant S&T innovations

Capacity Building of Community-based organizations (CBOs), NGOs, Knowledge Institutions (KI) & Social Start-ups

  • No. of reports generated to identify available resources and need of target population
  • No. of manuals/ reports created in vernacular language on S&T solutions.
  • No. of portals, Apps & data-base created on locally available resources and knowledge management
  • No. of workshops/ roundtable discussions/ conferences/ exhibitions/ surveys conducted
  • No. of Awareness/ Skill Development/ training Programmes conducted
  • No. of Panchayat/ meetings conducted with local Govt.
  • No. of internships supported under programme
  • No. of manpower trained by supported institutions/ organizations in current year
  • No. of portals and mobile Apps users both from implementing KIs/ NGOs and external sources
  • No. of STI solutions adopted by community for productivity gain in traditional practices
  • No. of formal understanding/ collaborations established between KIs, NGOs, State & local Govt., private partners & UN agencies
  • No. of human resources deployed in Academic/ Industry/ NGOs
  • No. of Scientists & researchers (Postdoc, PhD & MTech students) from KIs inclined towards societal research
  • No. of organizations/ agencies/ social ventures motivated and mobilized for replication of project outcomes (scientific capacity building)
  • Improved access to human resource pool and knowledge base
  • Improved access to data and productivity gain due to efficient and cost-effective management of locally available resources
  • Improved access to financial services
  • Improved traditional practices by STI inputs
  • Improved employment rate due to capacity building
  • Reduced migration rate
  • Inclined KIs towards societal research issues and solutions involving community groups.
  • Improved participation and decision making of EWS society in social gathering & meetings.
  • Increase in S&T knowledge of SHGs, FPOs, NGOs and social ventures
  • No. of forward/ backward linkages developed for sustenance of societal projects 


Technology interventions for Addressing Societal Needs (TIASN)

  • No. of S&T delivery solutions developed for innovative technologies/ tools/ products/ services
  • No. of innovative ideas taken up from community for further technology/ tool/ product/ process development by NGOs/ KIs/ industry
  • No. of locally appropriate technologies/ tools/ processes pilot tested & standardized
  • No. of field-based technical studies conducted
  • No. of research Papers/ articles published
  • No. of reports/ Manuals generated
  • No. of people engaged in societal & action research projects
  • No. of telecasting/ tele-films created
  • No. of success stories published
  • No. of Patents (applied/granted)
  • No. of MoU/ formal contracts signed for local/ Global collaboration
  • Increased export of indigenous products/ goods
  • Increase in S&T outreach and geographical coverage area
  • Improved Index of living standard in society
  • Increase in evidence-based R&D on socially relevant issues
  • Decreased social isolation
  • Promoted Inclusiveness and Equity.
  • No. of local organizations like gram panchayat/ cooperation/ voluntary groups engaged


  • Contribution towards Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and National Missions (NMs)
  • Convergence towards national schemes/ programmes for development of remote areas
  • Total number of beneficiaries covered under project (Category-wise, gender-wise percentages)
  • Geographical area covered under project (village/block, district, State-wise)

Table 2: Tentative Monitoring & Evaluation Indicators of SCSP & TSP programme

S. N.

Output Indicators (for complete project activities)


New technologies/ techniques/ tools/processes developed


Technologies/ techniques/ tools deployed (existing technologies)


Technologies modulated and deployed (adaptive R&D)


Technologies field tested (new and modulated technologies)


Technologies ready for transfer


Technologies commercialized


Reports/Manuals generated


Patents (applied/granted) if any


Paper published, if any

Popular articles, awareness leaflets, pamphlets developed and published


Short duration user friendly video/photo gallery produced using available handy cameras for technology popularization


Beneficiaries covered under the Project (Numbers with gender wise percentages: District wise, age groups wise)


New SHGs/CIGs/TAG’s formed under the Project and how many are all women SHG


Existing SHGs/CIGs/TAG’s strengthened under the Project


Agriculture Land Covered for project interventions


FPOs formed under the Project


Awareness Programmes Conducted with number of male and female participants


Training Programmes Conducted with number of male and female participants


Skill Development Programmes conducted with number of male and female participants


Manpower trained- total with gender wise percentages


Youth employed- total with gender wise percentages


Common Facility, village community Centers/ Rural science and technology translation and dissemination hub (new or upgraded) /Permanent Structures/Common Resources Created


Beneficiaries directly using the facilities created


Beneficiaries indirectly using the facilities created


HHs(households) involved


S. N.

Outcome Indicators (for complete project activities)


Access to Clean and Safe Drinking Water (give number of households and total population benefited)


Access to Clean Energy – including cooking and electricity (give number of households and total population benefited)


Access to Health care facilities/Improved Nutrition (give number of households and total population benefited)


Access to other infrastructure – toilets/low cost houses (give number of households and total population benefited)


Access to financial institutions (give number of households)


Livelihood Diversification (No of livelihoods options generated under the project – Farm and Non-Farm, and Service delivery)


Increase in household income due to project interventions (give %)


Number of other organizations, rural institutions, cooperative societies, Youth clubs and Progressive circles, FPOs motivated and mobilized for replication of project outcomes (scientific capacity building)


Increase in Agricultural (crop/livestock/poultry/fisheries) Productivity


Increased availability of resources (natural and/or physical) and assets   


Increase in livelihood/ employment opportunities in different areas (list the areas/field and give the number of entrepreneurs      )


Diversification of livelihood activities (indicate the diversified trades)        


New Enterprises developed       (mention the enterprises)


Drudgery reduction (brief achievements)

Name and number of technologies developed or upgraded, and adopted) for drudgery reduction


Environmental Impact (Energy savings, sustainable utilization of resources etc. and how the negative impact caused, if any, due to the project implementation on environment like deforestation, pollution and biodiversity depletion overcome/removed)


Improved linkages with market/ enterprises


Adoption of newly developed technologies/ products/processes/ indicated by number of adopters          


No. of organizations, entrepreneurs motivated and mobilized for replication of project achievements   


Linkages established with Govt schemes and any subsidy availed from Govt agencies


Community’s empowerment (technology user group formed; saving cum credit group; health improvement etc.)        

Table 3: Tentative Monitoring & Evaluation Indicators of S&T for Women programme

Key Performance Indicators


Technologies adapted and propagated


Number of total training programmes organised—details thereof title, duration


Number of women trained in total


Number of women trained in current Qtr from January-March


R&D infrastructure created as part of the project-- details


Technologies transferred if any—SHGs formed/enterprise formed—number, title


Collaboration with any R&D institution—Details thereof


Any dissemination booklets, manuals or films made—title & details


Road map for marketing of products


Contribution towards sustainable Development goals (SDGs)


National Missions (NMs) Alignment


Number of trainees


Possibility of forward & backward linkages


Sustainability plan


SHGs made and equipment retained judiciously utilized


Standardization of various skills and training programmes (National Skill Qualification Framework)




1. Please select appropriate indicators relevant to the project from the given list in table

2. May also incorporate any other indicators relevant to the project