- Overall and integrated development of 50 villages based on the need of S & T.
- Programs on natural colors; Water, health and sanitation for women.
- Design and development of form and off farm machinery / equipment.
- Bio-Integration of Agricultural Activities and Resource Management (BIOFARM)
- Organic farming and processing of medicinal plants
- Land, Biomass and Water Management.
- Processing of NTFP for value addition in tribal areas.
- Technology package for problems of nutritional diseases.
- Technology Intervention Program in Mountain Ecosystems (TIME)
- Rural Energy Program for non-grid areas
- Program on Animal Husbandry and Information Technology for Scheduled Castes Community
- More rural / women's technology parks in remote areas: Total / Integrated Development Strategy
- Technology Interference (Tie) for the elderly
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- Action Project for Jawahar Navodaya Vidyalaya
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- Integrated programs on Non-edible Oil (AICRP-NEO)
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- Pilot demonstration and dissemination of rural technologies.
- Mission Mode Program on Technology Removal.