"Special emphasis will be placed on equity in development, so that the benefits of technological growth reach the majority of the population, particularly the disadvantaged sections, leading to an improved quality of life for every citizen of the country”
“The Science & Technology Policy 2003 provides a road map for integrating science and technology directly with societal concerns.”
"New structural mechanisms and models are needed to address the pressing challenges of energy and environment, food and nutrition, water and sanitation, habitat, affordable health care and skill building and unemployment "Science technology and innovation for the people" is the new paradigm of the Indian STI enterprise"
"Except for the mission-oriented strategic sectors, the delivery mechanism involves a large number of intermediaries both from public and private sectors. This requires strengthening of linkages between the scientific and socio-economics sectors."
"NGO's will be accorded a pivotal role in the delivery of STI outputs, especially rural technologies, to the grassroots level"
- Science & Technology Policy’ 2013
(STI Policy : A new paradigm; Delivery Systems for STI outputs to stakeholders and Society)
BIRAC-SRISTI award for biotechnological/medical/healthcare innovation
National Award for Women Development through Application of Science & Technology
Call for Proposals - Scheme for Young Scientists and Technologists
National Awards for Science & Technology Communication- 2017
National Awards for Women’s Development through Application of Science & Technology - 2018 -[ Award Advertisement
1.17 MB ] - [Format
257.99 KB]
National Awards for Women’s Development through Application of Science & Technology - 2019 -[ Award Advertisement
153.25 KB ] - [Format
118.91 KB]
Call for Proposals: Technology Interventions for Disabled and Elderly (TIDE)418.7 KB